Harry Bloomfield Esq
2022-05-10 21:18:07 UTC
I own three Waveseptor type watches..
1. Is analogue display plus digital and is recharged by light.
2. Is analogue display plus digital and is NOT charged by light, needs
battery replacement occaisionally.
3. Is digital only display, recharges by light.
All three are kept in perfect sync by radio, for the digital section.
All three remain in perfect sync with the correct time, on the digital
sections/digital displays.
If I wear either 1 or 2 the analogue display will gradually loose by a
few seconds per day and need to be reset using the hands reset buttons,
to match the digital displayed time.
If I don't wear 1 or 2, but simply leave them on a window sill, the
analogue keeps in absolutely perfect time with the digital.
Has anyone come across this issue before please?
3 always maintains perfect time in it's digital display. I have good
reception of MSF Anthorn, the UK time transmission.
1. Is analogue display plus digital and is recharged by light.
2. Is analogue display plus digital and is NOT charged by light, needs
battery replacement occaisionally.
3. Is digital only display, recharges by light.
All three are kept in perfect sync by radio, for the digital section.
All three remain in perfect sync with the correct time, on the digital
sections/digital displays.
If I wear either 1 or 2 the analogue display will gradually loose by a
few seconds per day and need to be reset using the hands reset buttons,
to match the digital displayed time.
If I don't wear 1 or 2, but simply leave them on a window sill, the
analogue keeps in absolutely perfect time with the digital.
Has anyone come across this issue before please?
3 always maintains perfect time in it's digital display. I have good
reception of MSF Anthorn, the UK time transmission.